Spraying the 2021 Defoliation Test Kate Crumley |
I've included the 6 days after treatment (DAT) ratings for the cotton harvest aid study that was treated on August 20, 2021 in Wharton, Texas. The test plot is located at (29.292813, -96.168313), off CR 961 near the Wharton fairgrounds, if you would like to stop by. Ratings for 6 DAT were taken on August 26, 2021, prior to the second treatment. Ratings will be taken again at 12 days after the initial treatment. The cotton harvest aid study for this site was conducted on a field of Phytogen 332 W3FE. There is a printable version of this table available at our county website. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send an email or give me a call if you have any questions or concerns.2021 Cotton Harvest Aid Trial- Wharton County
Cooperator: Josh Marek
Kate Crumley, Extension Agent IPM- Wharton, Jackson, Matagorda Counties
Corrie Bowen, County Extension Agent, AG/NR Wharton County
Dr. Benjamin McKnight, State Extension Cotton Specialist
Dale Mott, Extension Program Specialist
The first application (App Timing A) was made on August 20, 2021. 6 DAT ratings were taken on August 26, 2021.
The second application (App Timing B) was made on August 26, 2021.
Trade names of commercial products used in this report are included only for better understanding and clarity. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service and the Texas A&M University System is implied. Readers should realize that results from one experiment do not represent conclusive evidence that the same response would occur where conditions vary.